Income Risk
As an update from last week, I have begun to prewrite my blog posts a bit as I stated from my last post. I think this has proven quite beneficial as I find it easier to write now than getting stuck at writer’s block and was able to write a bit more than the 600 word limit. Now on to this week’s blog. There is a lot of potential income risk when it comes to making important decisions in my future, and it's imperative I make the right ones. I am currently majoring in Econometrics & Quantitative Economics. I think that this is a good field that will hopefully find me a good job working in data science and related areas like that. I thought this major would be more beneficial than a sole Economics field as more and more companies demand data analysts, as I also particularly enjoy working with numbers. After graduation, I would like to stay in the Chicago land area, as this is where my parents l...